Saturday, June 22, 2013



It’s very interesting, and sad, how a great majority would have a very poor image of Network Marketers.  In their mind, network marketers have to chase friends, family members, and prospects. And so, many people also shy away from becoming involved in this business. The idea can really be very daunting.

Wouldn’t it be nice to uplift network marketing and give it a professional image that it truly deserves? No more chasing of friends and relatives. How? Be like a Miss Universe and advocate “World Peace”. Really? Yes, really. Sharing is the most simple yet most effective way of promoting any product, service, or business opportunity. Know what people need and help them by sharing --- sharing the benefits of your products, sharing the opportunity to earn heftily by doing the business, sharing the hope of a better life and achieving financial freedom. Everybody has a dream. But not everyone would want to do network marketing. Respect that. When you’ve shared and people are simply not keen on new ideas, leave them alone.

 So how do you go about finding people to talk to? Ask for referrals. That’s more effective than trying to directly sell the concept and ideas to the person you’re talking to. But of course, you might also meet people who will actually be interested and ask for more information. These are the people who might actually love the product, service, or opportunity and would be more than happy to share them to their own circle of friends. That’s not something to be sad about, is it? You’ve shared to and helped one person. And then she will be able to help others as well. What could be more fulfilling than that? When network marketing is done the right way, the professional way, you will never run out of people who will be willing to give you referrals and people who will actually want to join your team.

Nowadays, network marketing can also be done online.  Integrating online marketing to your chosen profession will open new doors, wider doors, that you may never have imagined. When you learn how to “attract” people who are precisely looking for opportunities or products and services that you offer, they will come to you. They will get in touch with you voluntarily. This is an entirely new and unique dynamic called “attraction marketing” which effectively eliminates the chasing and hounding of friends and relatives. And the good news is, the concept of “attraction marketing” can also be applied offline. When you show how you can conduct the business in a professional manner, you will easily be able to attract others.

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